Whole Milk Club is Mark and Catherine - the son of a farmer's daughter, and a woman who thinks a slosh of double cream on a large wedge of chocolate cake "makes it less rich". We are indulgence advocates, living and gobbling in the middle of England.

This is our project.

The Whole Milk Club philosophy is to enjoy food to the fullest. It is the pursuit of quality, innovation, and gratification. It is about enjoying produce as it was meant to be enjoyed, without skimming and trimming, and without guilt.

In recent years, there has been a 'clean eating' frenzy. Slim, attractive, doe-eyed home cooks are teaching us how to live without gluten and dairy, spiralising everything in the vegetable drawer and telling us to love our food and ourselves. We can get on board with eating organic and keeping an eye on our refined sugar intake (although one really can't make a good tarte Tatin without plenty of sugar), but we refuse to give up those simplest of pleasures; bread and butter.

Because we do love our food.

We started this blog as tribute to our obsession, and as a way to catalogue some of the delicious food that we are fortunate enough to enjoy: some made by ourselves, and some from the professional kitchens of restaurants both home and abroad. Most meals cooked at home are the product of Mark's talented hands, using both sourced recipes and his imagination. Catherine is sous and pastry chef, and our ginger moggy, Otto, is number one taste-tester.

Welcome to Whole Milk Club.

N.B. It's quite alright to talk about Whole Milk Club. The first and only rule is that you can't drink red-top.