Get in Touch.
Got a burning question or interested in collaborating with us? Use the form below to send us a message, or e-mail us directly at: hello[at]
The Whole Milk Club operates a 100% honesty policy. We will never accept payment of any kind to write a false review of a product or restaurant. Any complimentary meals or samples granted to us for review will either be identified within the blog copy, or made explicit at the end of a post. Any sponsored content will be identified at the start of the post.
Our focus is on quality product and execution, locally sourced and seasonal ingredients (where possible), and restaurants offering something "different". We do not guarantee a published write-up on the blog if we feel that an experience or product is not on-brand or of interest to us, and we will never publish pre-written content.
If you are a like-minded PR company, brand or blogger and would like to work with us, please get in touch.